Other sightings preceeding the Roswell Anomalies and the emergence of the Men in Black (MIB)
On June 21, 1947 Navy Seaman Harold Dahl claimed to have seen six unidentified flying objects in the sky near Maury Island in Washington state’s Puget Sound. The next morning, Dahl said he was sought out and debriefed by “Men in Black.” The Dahl sighting was interesting because "Men in Black" were quoted by Dahl. This was the emergence of the MIB. After this reported UFO crash In 1947 in Maury Island, Washington, these MIB would collect data about UFOs and alien activity and threaten witnesses to keep quiet about what they saw. Men in Black were a beginning association with UFO's. This crash coincides with the “Roswell Incident” in New Mexico.
Three days after the Dahl sighting, an amateur pilot named Kenneth Arnold said he had spotted a series of as many as nine flying saucers in the sky by Mount Rainer, Washington. The sighting by Arnold was long thought to be the first Washington State sighting. We now know that Harold Dahl's report was before Arnolds. There is no documetation of Men in Black debriefing Arnold.
Roswell Anomalies
To this day we dont know if what was found at Roswell was a Weather balloon, a Project Mogul balloon, or some other balloon, or an alien spacecraft, or some other type of craft, or neither or both. The US Government in at least two explanations said it was "most likely" a Project Mogul Balloon. But we do know that there was a debris field. And we do know that there was another field with either a craft or other debris of some kind. And we do know that the US Government confiscated all of it.
In 2001, or thereabouts the Government, in an effort to make the public believe they were showing the Roswell debris, produced this rather large triangular shaped wooden container with contents marked "unknown". When opened, the container had inside what appeared to be an unused amount of material, neatly folded that may not have been brand new, but it definately could not have been material that had gone 100,000 feet into the atmosphere and come back down and crashed into a rocky desert. And bounced and skidded on the rocks over a 25 mile path and torn to shreds. Whatever was in that container had never been used to any degree.
The Government still has the Roswell evidence somewhere. And anything under any balloon theory could no longer be categorized as Top Secret or Classified. Yet whatever the Government confiscated back in 1947 remains classified and is still in the hands of either the US Air Force or some other Government entity. What in 1947 was so classified and so Top Secret, that it has remained so to this day? Pieces of a balloon? Maybe it was an Alien balloon. That propaganda is thin for sure. If the Government claims the Roswell incident debris has been declassified, then they would have show it to us long ago. If what the Air Force transported from Roswell to Ft. Worth to Wright Patterson AFB and to Area 51 under disguise as a Project Mogul balloon had been declassified, we would know that by now.
But pure and simple, what the Government transported from Roswell was not any weather balloon, Project Mogul or otherwise.
In addition the Government has declassified hundreds of boxes and literally thousands upon thousands of pages of documentation regarding the Roswell Incident. We do not know what the Government may have that is not declassified. But what type of balloon parts required so much documentation to be written about it? And the US Government spent millions of dollars in the coverup of the incident in an effort to keep it classified, to this day.
No legitimate government photos have ever surfaced of any debris, alien bodies, or any spacecraft from the site. We know at the very least there was some debris. The Government normally takes tons of photos, always they photograph everything multiple times. So did they take photos and none have just surfaced. Or did they never take any? Or are there hundreds of photos sitting in a box still marked "classified"? Government protocol is to photograph and document EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING.
Everyone in Roswell that was interviewed, said that new people they had never seen appeared to be everywhere. There were 6000 personel stationed at that base. Plenty to take care of everything. Yet people that had never been seen were at the hospital, the debris fields, the crash site, and they conducted interviews. They went door to door threatening residents.
And none of these people have ever been identified. The door to door threateners - no names ever surfaced.
If, the explanation were a project Mogul balloon, as the Air Force says, it would have by now surely been declassified. Also Mac Brazel had found balloon material on his property previously. And Jesse Martel was aware of classified projects such as Project Mogul. So both of them had some knowledge of this type of weather balloon material.
One of the last explanations the US Air Force gave, was back in 1995. In that briefing the Air Force said it was "most likely" a project Mogul Balloon that was recovered. And the Air Force was adamant that they could not be certain just what everyone had seen at the time in 1947.
And the Air Force has never given an explanation who the personnel were that went door to door and threatened the area citizens, they have never given any reason as to why they were sent. In fact the Air Force never commented on personnel going door to door and "interrogating" citizens in Roswell. At in the last 1995 briefing that subject was never brought up.
And although civilian members of the community may have thought Jesse Marcel was making things up about what he saw, members of the Air Force were completely different. Their attitude was keep your mouth shut and dont talk about this. You know you shouldnt talk about this. The Air Force never told Marcel to stop making stuff up, just not to talk about it.
Pappy Henderson said he flew the dying alien to Wright Paterson. The US Government has never once denied what he said. Of course not because denying it would be lieing. “We killed it, we didnt know what to do”. Were Henderson’s words.
Aliens coming from a different solar system would be from a completely different type of solar environment. Any solar environment that would allow for an energy source to create warp speed and space travel would be totally different from ours. Our chart of elements would be like candy store ingredients to them. You cant make an energy source for an intergalactic spacecraft with flour, sugar, and uranium. It probably wouldnt work.
Odds are we could not have helped this dying alien. Our environment would very likely have been toxic to this being. It would be like trying to survive at the bottom of the Mariana Trench – some 30,000 feet at the bottom of the ocean. There is no way we could have created his environment to allow his survival. Unfortunate but probably the truth.
And more recently several research teams have descending on the site(s) looking for anomalies in the soil, pieces of debris that were missed, and holes in the desert where the craft(s) may have hit. None of that really matters. We know something crashed there even if it was just a weather balloon or some other piece of material. Where is it? That is all that matters. If the Air Force picked up that material with an army of men, what did they do with it? That is all that matters. Whatever it was that the military confiscated is still to this day classified. And it will likely remain classified for at least another 100 years. Because something was confiscated by the military that will never be revealed to the public.
What was so Top Secret that still remains Top Secret to this day?
What was so Top Secret that required the Government to go door to door to scare and intimidate the citizens of Roswell, some as young as 12 years old, to remain quiet for their entire lives under penalty of death?
Who is more scared of this information, the Government, or the citizens they are keeping the information from?
The fact that the Roswell incident is still classified raises some interesting questions. One witness, said there was concern if the “beings” were friendly. Also the debris was used in the manfacture of our stealth bombers. Another worked with the debris. All interesting questions but the bottom line is that over one hundred independent witnesses were quoted saying things that cant be disqualified. And over the years, only the testimony of one witness, can be deemed untrustful. Hopefully one day we will have answers.